Monday, March 26, 2007

PDX Sketch is still alive.

So, I missed last Saturday, I hope somebody still made it out. If you did, we would all like to see your sketches. So sign up and post them. Finals week has come and gone and I am now spending my spring break at Disney Land (very cool). I still need to post my sketches from a week ago, I will get those up as soon as I get home. I will be at Pioneer Square the first Saturday in April, hope to see you all there!

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Hoorah, i'm here

Well hey hey, i have no idea if i'm doing this right but hopefully you all can see the sketches. Haven't been doing nearly enough life drawing so this group is gonna be awsome. enjoy all.
-Daniel Burgess

Saturday, March 10, 2007

March 10th


This was my first week attending the sketch group. The possibilities are fantastic at Pioneer square, the variety and quantity of people are excellent. Included are my sketches for the week.

Jeff Deuchler

Monday, March 5, 2007


This Saturday was a little rainy. I got to the square at a little after 11:00 and quickly scanned the area for any other pdxsketch artist bust as usually could not see any. So I hopped back on the max line and took it to the end of the line at Hillsboro and then back to the Beaverton Transit Center. Here are this weeks sketchest for you to take a look at.